The Sun

Today we are learning about the Sun!

The Sun is a star found at the center of the Solar System.

The Solar System is made up of the Sun and the eight planets that orbit it.


What is an orbit?

The eight planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.


The Solar System is like a neighborhood, and the other planets could be our neighbours.

The Sun is a giant ball of burning gas.

The surface of the Sun is around 5,600 degrees Celsius! (A human being is around 37 degrees Celsius)

The Sun provides the heat and light that life on Earth needs to survive.


The Sun is 1,392,000 kilometres wide! The Earth is only 12,742 kilometres wide.
You could fit more than one million Earth’s inside of the Sun!


The sky is what makes the sun that yellow and orange colour, however it is actually white.


A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth.


The Sun is around 4 and a half billion years old!


 What is the closest star to Earth?

If the Sun is a star, why are the stars we see at night so small?

How old is the Sun?

What would happen if we did not have a Sun?

What is the Solar System?

How many planets in the Solar System?

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